What is a ‘public health approach to substance use’? A scoping review

A number of population-level approaches have been developed to address substance use-related morbidity and mortality, including a public health approach. However, there is currently no widely accepted definition of a ‘public health approach to substance use’, and this term has been applied inconsistently in the practice and peer-reviewed literature. A critical first step towards advancing a public health approach to substance use is an exploration of its conceptualization and core concepts.

We are therefore planning a systematic scoping review to synthesize discussions on a public health approach to substance use. Our research questions are:

  1. How has a public health approach to legal and illegal substance use been previously defined?

  2. What core values, concepts, activities, and goals underpin a public health approach to substance use?

Our primary contribution to the literature will be a conceptual framework for understanding and applying a public health approach to substance use. The framework will display connections between core concepts underpinning this approach to substance use. 


Study Lead: Elaine Hyshka

Funding Support: Canadian Public Health Association

Status: Ongoing